Pankaj Lathiya

Financial Strategist

Valued Financial Services LLC

Do you know the answers to

the 4 most important financial questions?

Question #1

Do you know what rate of return you need to earn on the money you have today to be able to live in the future like you live today, adjusted for inflation, without running out of money before your life expectancy?

Question #2

Do you know how much you need to save on a monthly basis to make sure you will have enough in the future for you to live like you live today adjusted for inflation?

Question #3

Do you know how long you will have to work doing what you are doing now before you will be able to live on what you have accumulated and your money last to you life expectancy?

Question #4

Do you know how much you will have to reduce your standard of living during retirement the future to keep your money from running out before you life expectancy?

I can help you answer the 4 most important financial questions in 15 minutes!